The Importance of keeping your food manufacturing facility cleaned

The cleanliness and hygiene of food production is a major stakes issue. This isn’t just about risk to business but also about legal obligations as well as the real danger of harming someone by your conduct, which is why it’s essential to never give anything up when it comes to food production.

Australian  Food Standards programs incorporate the point system globally recognized as HACCP which is also called The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System.

The world-wide acceptance of the Seven Principles as the most effective method to manage and reduce the chance of exposing yourself to safety hazards during the manufacturing, production or storage, and preparation of food products. the Seven Principles of HACCP can help with the following ways:

  • Hazard Analysis Finding potential dangers when it comes to the production of food products.
  • Critical Control Points Inscribing the essential steps to manage hazard control.
  • Critical Limits The identification of minimum limits and maximal limit for controls.
  • Methods The design and execution of procedure.
  • Critical Control Monitoring Monitor control of the implementation.
  • Corrective action: A specific action is taken to remediate hazards in the event of their occurrence along with evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation.
  • Record keeping: Review and record the procedure’s documentation.

Clean equipment

Clean equipment is crucial when it comes to the preparation, production and manufacturing of food items. Inattention can result in contamination from cross-contamination, the buildup of bacteria and increase, as well as shorter life cycles for equipment and machinery. Take these steps to ensure that your equipment is clean, hygienic and safe to use:

  • Make sure that all equipment used for the preparation, storage and transportation of food items is simple to clean.
  • Make sure that the process of cleaning and disinfecting doesn’t damage your equipment.
  • Make sure cleaning agents are rinsed off during the process and ensure that they don’t leave toxic remnants.
  • Create regular maintenance and calibration schedules for all equipment.

Personal hygiene of staff and visitors

No matter if a person is on the floor of the factory or transporting food items, or even visiting the production facility to visit for any other reason, everyone should adhere to rigorous hygiene rules to assure safe handling of food items. They include:

  • A thorough hand washing.
  • Transparent communication about any illnesses that may affect the quality of food.
  • Always wear appropriate clothing.
  • Training in full and the proper use of machines.
  • Little contact with ready to eat food items.
  • There is no coughing, sneezing or sneezing vomiting or eating food items around the production areas.

Maintenance, cleaning and hygiene

Sanitisation and effective cleaning rely on the use of good workplace practices for the following aspects:

  • Effective and accurate application for cleaning and sanitisation.
  • The prevention of dust and other particles, such as glass, metals chemical substances and other foreign materials from getting into the areas of food production.
  • Quality water of the highest standard.
  • Control of temperature throughout the lifecycle of the product from manufacturing to storage and transportation.
  • Regularly disinfecting areas that have come into contact with raw food Particularly meats.

Maintaining a high standard of operational hygiene is essential for any food production facility.

What are the effects of equipment that is not properly cleaned and areas for food production?

Unclean work areas create risk for staff members, employees as well as customers of food production company as these two case studies demonstrate:

1. Brewing beer

One of the most well-known beers beer, the production of beer relies on yeast in the process of fermentation. However, microorganisms can have the potential of causing microbial degradation in the process of making beer. The microorganisms could be found in beer that has been spoiled are:

  • Bacteria that produce lactic acid
  • Acetic acid bacteria
  • Zymomonas species
  • Pectinatus species
  • Moulds
  • Wild yeast
  • Enterobacteriaceae

Bacteria can interfere with the process of fermentation, causing costly spoilage and the production of undesirable byproducts. Additionally is the fact that these microorganisms could remain in the process and end up in the final product, which could pose a risk to the health of the consumers.

2. Meat and birds

Products from poultry and meat which are improperly handled or utilized in unsanitary environments are in danger of pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella Campylobacter, E. coli and Yersinia All of which could cause issues, such as:

  • Ailment that affects the consumer.
  • Product loss.
  • It is a form of putrefaction that occurs in the carcass.

Most meat is stored in raw form for later cooking after the meat is delivered. Clean working areas are vital and food production areas that use raw meat need to be disinfected and cleaned each time to avoid cross-contamination.

Cleansing and sanitising with water

Food Safety Magazine outlines 5 important steps to follow to take for cleaning and cleaning factories and food preparation equipment:

  • Clean all surfaces with the right cleaner and technique. While you can make use of an all-purpose cleaner for all sorts of things in the house and on the factory floor, it must be suitable for the use.
  • When you’re sweeping floors that are wet you should use a squeegee, or mop squeegee as they are cleaner than brushes and brooms.
  • Use the appropriate temperature water to flush and sweep the soil.
  • Use sanitiser only after a thorough clean.
  • Remove sanitisers from the flooring or surface with only clean water in the event that you’re using a non rinse Sanitiser.

Food manufacturing and production zones

There are many things to consider cleaning your production and food manufacturing areas.

  • What type of soil that is that is being removed?
  • Do you know how water impacts both chemical and waste that is used in cleaning?
  • Do you know the effect of the cleaning chemicals and waste on the surfaces that are being cleaned?
  • Are you aware of who is responsible for the work, and how often?

If you’re uncertain concerning any of these concepts ask a professional factory cleaner to discuss the ways these principles can benefit your hygiene and food safety.

Last considerations: make sure you have the correct equipment

If you manage a food manufacturing facility it’s essential that your facility is maintained daily using the finest equipment. Make HCC Group your first port to call to get professional assistance with your cleaning equipment requirements.

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